Will 2022 be the Year I Start Reading Again? Please?
Posted by Wendy Baker on
Have No Fear. To all those in a reading slump who've decided not to buy anymore books until they can claim to belong to the “clean shelf club”...this blog post is for you. We think you should STOP worrying (and not JUST because we sell books).
At Corner Stone, we love books. We love looking at books. We love talking about books. We love selecting books and being surrounded by books. Sometimes, we even love reading books. That’s right, I said sometimes. Surprised?
Collecting books for the To Be Read (TBR) pile for us (and maybe you too) over sometimes looooong stretches of time is totally normal. Reading goes in cycles - like seasons. We have to be ready for “the devouring season” or “the gifting season” or even the season we know is coming when we will sit still again, take our eye off the present moment, get to know a new character in a new place, and land softly in a new sentence. It won’t be long now, we promise.
In fact, bibliophiles act the same way those who like to garden do when splitting outrageous numbers of perennials (in case they can give them away), or starting yet another spider plant they don’t need, and planting exactly one thousand more succulent leaves.
Plants make friends, their presence allows us to breathe more easily, and succulents cultivate the gardener one leaf at a time. For many of us, books are our plants - and they don’t ever die, which we think is a bonus. The best books make new beginnings, and shouldn’t we all want to be surrounded by stacks of beginnings just waiting to happen? Yes, please.
We believe books are content to be opportunities awaiting their time. May the 2022 books that choose you inspire your connections with words and with the world at large as we embrace this new year. Thank you for including us as part of your journey. We'll be reading, or not reading, right along with you in 2022.
Wendy and her son, Dylan, with a book he bought in 2021 and hopes to read in 2022. Now that he's a new father to a beautiful baby girl, we have our fingers crossed.
More likely I’ll just have to build another 7’ tall bookshelf next to the one that I still haven’t finished building so I can get those 5 @ 3 foot piles of books I’ve already read off the floor to keep the cats from knocking them over again!?!?