Bookshop Blog

Discover Plattsburgh: Six Things to Do in Lake City

Posted by Elizabeth Jent on

Plattsburgh may be small, but it packs a punch with its array of activities and attractions!

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Our Books Come from the Hands and Hearts of Good People

Posted by Wendy Baker on

In our first year of stewardship at The Corner Stone Bookshop, we’ve been invited to absorb a number of large lifetime collections of books into our shop. Each one has taught us lessons, included treasures, and brought us closer to other humans, sometimes only through their bookshelves.  Books are never just books.  They represent choices people made about what they valued, what gave them pleasure, or what they wished to learn. A well loved bookshelf is a marvel. It’s organization tells a story - sometimes of a lifetime. The people we meet are always the best part. Our first large collection, which my...

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Will 2022 be the Year I Start Reading Again? Please?

Posted by Wendy Baker on

Have No Fear. To all those in a reading slump who've decided not to buy anymore books until they can claim to belong to the “clean shelf club”...this blog post is for you. We think you should STOP worrying (and not JUST because we sell books). At Corner Stone, we love books. We love looking at books. We love talking about books. We love selecting books and being surrounded by books. Sometimes, we even love reading books. That’s right, I said sometimes. Surprised?  Collecting books for the To Be Read (TBR) pile for us (and maybe you too) over sometimes...

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Finding the Un-looked for Among Corner Stone's Stacks

Posted by Wendy Baker on

I came to Corner Stone not knowing what I might find. I bought an eclectic stack of three books on my first visit. It wasn't long before I decided it was important for me to own the shop.

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