Finding the Un-looked for Among Corner Stone's Stacks
Posted by Wendy Baker on
The first time I came to Corner Stone, I spent 2 1/2 hours. There was no hurry, no rush. It was a pleasurable wandering, allowing room for the unexpected and the intuitive. I drifted around the stacks, drawn to the colors on spines; looking, circling, bending and reaching. I picked up books - this one larger or smaller in my hand, that one unexpectedly heavy; noticing the jacket pictures, the typeset, the feel of the paper, the smell of the ink. A blissful escape from the online world.
I heard other human beings talking with Art, Corner Stone’s gracious former owner. We all passed silently among the stacks, unapologetically glued to rows of titles as we searched. Together, we made up a browsing collective of curious minds.
I came to Corner Stone not knowing what I might find or what mind from the past or present I might meet. Finding the unlooked-for is one of life’s greatest pleasures. I bought an eclectic stack of three books on my first visit to Corner Stone. It wasn't long before I decided it was important for me to own the rest of them.
Nancy and Art have grown this bookshop into a beautiful reflection of its community. My husband and I are grateful for the opportunity to become a part of Corner Stone’s story. We'll count on all of you to be there too. It is our hope that we’ll all be in this together.
Wendy and her husband, Rich, live on Cumberland Head in Plattsburgh, NY. They enjoy nature at its best, great food, good company, and family located throughout the country. One of their greatest joys is their first grandchild, Norah.
My son and I started coming to the Cornerstone Bookstore when he was 9. (1999) The founder and former owner, Nancy, even let us spend the night inside the store sometimes. We always visit when we are in town. When we moved away in 2001 we left the intellectual bear, Wordsworth, to watch over the store. He was always on a top shelf looking out onto the desk and store. I hope he is still there. Each owner has promised to keep him…..